
Tuesday 26 August 2014

Day two of the DofE expedition saw the two Bronze teams return to camp looking like drowned rats. It had not stopped raining all night and all day. The rest of the unit hired bikes and cycled round the forest, also getting just as wet. Silver groups camped out for the second night, and set off for their final day.
The unit members are deciding whether or not to go to the beach today, the sky is still grey and more rain is promised.
Great fun so far!!

Monday 25 August 2014

Well, no pictures I'm afraid. Technology has got in the way, but I can post a written post.  Morning 1 of the DofE trip, all teams set of on time in great weather, and all had fantastic days walking across the forest.  All arrived safe and sound.
Day 2 dawned wet as wet can be. they are now all out walking, the Bronze teams finish today, the Silvers tomorrow.  Still raining. Will update again later.